Friday, November 6, 2009

Village Bride -2

So off we went to the house and were welcomed by the parents and old toothless grandma. I was busily signalling the grandma, poor B was confused. I did not want him to mix up that to be the bride. I meant chaperon check. So we were seated and making small talk. There is this old Indian saying that u can judge a girl by seeing her mom. The brides mum was slim and very beautiful. They must have got it wrong with me and mum since there is no resemblance going there.

Getting back to the story. The Brides dad was talking non stop. I looked at B, he was looking pained. I mean this man was droning on and on about anything and everything. Quickly scanned the living room and saw more photos of the girl. She looked nice. Kept signalling to B again. Sadly grandma was seated with the photos and B was looking confused. Grandma big toothless grin again. After a good half an hour the bride came.

She was beautiful and so innocent looking. I looked at B could see he was impressed. Looked at my mum she gave me this So proud look of i have done it,at last found her. And I was planning out the wedding in my head.

Anyways uncle asked permission if they could talk. Brides dad was all jumping up and saying yes of course let them talk in the next room. We must of course let them decide. While the girl and B were being ushered the brides father gets up and says " you should please accompany".

There I was looking at grandma and rolling my eyes to B to say chaperon coming up when i realised B was telling me to come.

Wait the lines are all wrong. They were sending me as a chaperon. What about grandma? Another toothless grin from the grandma.

Suddenly I hear a soft voice is it from my head. Nope it was the Bride.

Bride : Dad I will speak to him alone

That's settled then B and the bride are off for a chat...


~ lo$t $oul ~ said...

I'm having such a laugh at this..!!!!

Do we have to wait for scene 3??

Anonymous said...

Wow! The bride seems sensible...well it's good you scared him I guess! Now is it fixed?


santhoshi said...

going for a meeting so yes u have to wait for a little..

Serendib_Isle said...

My cousin was looking for a bride till recently and he used to tel me stories and stories of these visits! And that is one thing I missed in my life. ;)

santhoshi said...

Serendib Isle- Looks like i am going to have some more stories to tell...

Hoot-a-Toot said...

hoe did I miss reading this till now when I was so looking forward to it!!! You go gal! (that was for the bride ;o)

santhoshi said...

Sue- she was going sue :)