Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cheesy Situation

I like cheese. Well not the smelly blue cheese kind of thing but I like kraft cheddar. Friend from UK was down and she was going on and on about her wine and cheese sonot to be outdone I said I also like wine and cheese. Think I was trying to show off that I lived there and ate wine and cheese for a bit of my life some time back. To be frank all that I ate was the big ball cheese which you get here anyways (while I was secretly longing for kraft cheese).

So friend comes back last month with a whole load of cheese. I mean all kinds u name it, it was there. I felt like crying since anyday I would have preferred a handbag or some make up instead (Yes I am vain). Tried the cheese and it was sick I could not find one kind that I liked. So gifted it off to another friend who loves cheese and was laughing her head off (since she gets the chocolates n I get the cheese) . I know the best would be to come out clean and tell her that I detest the cheese but don’t want to cheese her off…


Lady divine said...

well, when you were initially telling her about the cheese and wine, who thought you'd actually end up getting them....

perhaps it's best to tell her. but then again, it's not like she keeps coming to your place with cheese no...

Just that, it's a bit of a waste of money from the friend's side, dont you think?

Anonymous said...

You should have taken the cheese to Pilla or Hijra, and gotten them to make Cheese Rotty for you! :)

Scrumps said...

Kraft cheese is AMAZING! Just mention that you prefer Kraft cheese - and hopefully she'll bring some the next time!

santhoshi said...

LD: I dont have the heart to come out and tell the truth :( I know its sad...

Chaarmax: I doubt the cheese rotty will be any good with blue smelly cheese in it :(

Scrumplicious: Hemm i tried that but does not work :( she is very english and loves english things or some crap...