Monday, August 18, 2008

Internet marriages

What with having a blog and all i thought the best solution for the bride hunt for my brother was to look for a bride on the net. It was like this big light bulb moment or so i thought. So there i was explaining that indeed we could look for a bride on the net from the numerous marriage sites to my parents. Dad looked a bit puzzled and wanted to know the probabilities of would i find someone from the community. Mum just looked at me as if i was gone mad. Old crony aunties said it was indeed sad that i had to resort to looking for a girl in a commputter.. After convincing the parents, i decided to tell B about my great idea.

B did not take to my idea that much at all. He was thoroughly pissed to say the least. Which gave me all the more encouragement to check the brides out. So there i was at my parents place browsing the net with all these great photos from all the indian matrimonial sites. B happens to walk by and does not look pleased by the offer up on the sites and tells me to lay off net sites.

B has also been ill advised by good meaning friends that marriage is the doom for his independence. Wonder where that kid got this idea from......

1 comment:

Lady divine said...

this is interesting...:)
the online world and what it has to offer...

but bro doesn't seem to like it no?
oh well.....
wuts the next plan? :)