Saturday, June 6, 2009

All in a days Work!

Last evening was meeting up a bunch of people on some work. I was absolutely tired and worried that i was missing the aerobics lesson (ya my foot) and was not my usual alert self. The day starting off with getting in the wrong car as it is.

Go to the ladies and find a man in there with his back to me . It was definitely a waiter and i was like what the hell is this guy doing in the ladies toilet. What kind of a pervert. Now did not make a sound because i did not want him to turn around and do something wierd. (never mind). Quickly notice there were urinals. Why are they having urinals in the ladies. Now i must have been there for a bit anyways turn around to see this cute guy walking in. Stops and gives big smile. Holy shit i must be in the wrong toilet.

So i run out quickly and get to the opposite toilet. I quickly check the picture in it and turn and look at the mens its the same Picture that they had drawn. What the hell. Ok they had specified male/female but i looked at the picture definite male wearing a skirt. Now cute guy is still smiling. Can the floor open up and gobble me soon. rush inside and put my head in my hand and shout arghh. look up three posh girls staring at me and shaking there heads. (posh cows they should go into the mens and no what it feels like)

I come out and again cute guy is there with smile and trying to catch my eye. Look the other way and run to my table and he is walking behind me. OH lord is he going to try have a conversation or make a complaint about me.... (no nothing excitiing like that)

Jack point had commented about my absent mindedness. Looks like the brain is temporarily out of order...


ViceUnVersa said...


Every man's dream, finding a cutie inside the mens!!!

Kalusudda said...

You better watch out, even though it is not December!

Anonymous said...

I think this is so cool.. We love this kind of stuff, so don't worry about
If I was that guy I would've asked for your #

Hoot-a-Toot said...

:o)...cute guy ha? Would have made his day.
R u OK cause two posts in a row about urrrrm ending up in the wrong place ;o)

Jack Point said...

good post, kept me smiling. I'll second ViceUnVersa's comment.