Friday, March 12, 2010

Before / After - Kids


1.why do people talk about babies and kids, when I have them (haha probably wont have them) i shall never mention them in a conversation

2. Saturdays are for shopping to buy stuff u dont require. Having coffee and going just to shops cause u can do it.

3. Weekends are for partying non stop. You can be spontaneous about it too

4. You are proud of the fact that you can climb any high wall to jump over if necessary

5. Movies have a rating really?

6. If I have kids i ll let them be free souls they can do whatever they want

7. Rules are to broken is the motto

8. Your parents dont visit you that much

9. the cousins talk about childbirth will make u want to run out and never talk to her again

10. u will roll your eyes when u hear the cousin ask baby tips from others

1. You have conversations with strangers, colleagues and your boss about them. They even creep into your blog posts

2. Saturdays are still for shopping but you have a company who would want that toy gun which you wont buy. S wants accessories which she does not really need. Then you think u are really clever and go to the supermarket and they want all the junk which you should not buy. By mid Saturday you are one of those moms who says the word No, no no too many times

3. You go out partying and you are worried to see the teeny boppers who are about seven years older than your eldest ( ya u start talking by the years). then you wonder how the parents let the kids out dressed like that ( u forget you were like them and how u sneaked out). No spontaneous partying there u have to sort out a baby sitter first.

4. You ask the landlord can i Make that wall higher than it is already

5. For the zillionth time you explain your cousin that yes I check movie ratings if i am taking the kids i look at it about five times to make sure.

6. You try hard to teach them religion, beliefs, right and wrong and sympathise your parents

7. we have some rules we will try and follow is the new motto

8. You parents visit you most weekends to see their precious grandkids

9. the joy of child birth is something u will try hard to explain to your younger cousin who questions

10 you will have random calls in a week asking you about baby stuff and kids stuff

Little D came back home excited that the royalists tried to jump into the school compound. How the girls ran out to the fourth floor and was told to go inside. Its the royal thomian match mummy she explained excitedly. My ten year old is growing up. I want to hold her tight in my arms and never let her go.

The six year old wants to enter the movie world he asks if he can meet some of our tamil heroes. I have told him he can ask me three questions a day. I am scared that he will become a moody teenager who wont ask me a single questions a week.

kids they just come turn your life upside down twirl u in their little fingers and make u dance to their tunes. while you are dancing they slip away as they grow..


Jack Point said...

Ha ha nice post.

Lady divine said...

nice post. I certainly don't know what the 'after kids' is like yet..:)

But I will keep this post in mind..:)

Penny Says said...

i love being a kid...but i guess i'm still a kid in most ways as my mum says...:)..hold them tight....:)

Serendib_Isle said...

Hah ha, lovely post.

So true. I’m tempted to do the “male version” of this – but way too busy with work. Couldn’t even go for the match. ;(

Angel said...

great post! Am personally terrified of the after kids bit...

Scrumps said...

Awwww! I want to have kids but I'm so scared that I won't be a good parent. I won't get the balance of being strict and yet free right! You sound as though you're doing a great job!

santhoshi said...

JP :)

Ld, Scrumpy n Penny - When time comes i am sure u will be brilliant at it. Maybe u will remember this post with a smile

Serendib - When u get some time please do the male version would love to read.

santhoshi said...

angel- surely they will be little angels :)

Hoot-a-Toot said...

I can so relate to this! You want them but it's such hard work! You won't even see the funny side of it when they hit the terrible two's or the teen years.