Monday, January 3, 2011


Its that time of the year! Where resolutions are made yet again to break. I called up the aerobics instructor and wished a happy new year and when is she re-opening. She goes who is this and when i say its me. She screams "YOU!". Oh well she did not have to break my ear drums.

I got a message from a friend how great the new year first working day was, so much positivity. I had a crappy day and its only the third day of the year. Oh well it cant get any worse can it. Then again oh yes it just did! I forgot to send samples that was requested urgently today. I had an irate client who asked me a million questions on things I was clueless. How easy it is to keep lying and pretend that you really do know about things you dont. phew

The only nice thing of the day was meeting two friends for a short time and seeing a new born baby. Babies are so adorable and the cutest and gives you hope.

Hope all of you have had a better day?


Hoot-a-Toot said...

awwww...I am sure you'll have better days

Scrumps said...

HNY Santhoshi! x

santhoshi said...

Hoot : Thanks

Scrumpy : thanks u too

Gadgetgirl said...

happy new year. have happy thoughts.

Serendib_Isle said...

Hey, Happy 2011..! I missed reading your posts, will catch-up quietly. ;)