Monday, December 14, 2009

Six year olds take on life!

Over the weekend i took the kids to watch the movie Up. The movie was ok but this is the kind of thing the spoilt bunch of today need to watch. the first bit was cute where they had this cloud thing that had a Disney touch. the rest of the movie was so so.

S goes : Mummy who will i stay with if daddy and D die?

D (10year old) : i aint dying i am immortal ( god she is my kid all right)

S : no mummy what happens if they die.

Now strangely S does not broach about my death.

Me : sweety u will have your own family so u will be ok.

S : but mummy i dont want to be alone.

D : why is he talking about my death he is nuts.

I tried explaining he would have his own family and his sister was going to live until 100 and that maybe i will die too later. The explanation went all wrong.

Next day his buddy senaka is in love with ching hoo. Senaka the six year old has confided to S that he is definitely marrying ching and s can be the best man.

Next series of questions

S : mummy how can senaka and ching hoo marry. He is sri lankan and she is chinese. The mummys and daddys will fight and sisters and brothers.

Me : it does not matter u can marry anyone, senaka can marry ching if he wants.

S keeps on repeating the same thing about how the families are going to fight. This is due to overdose of watching Tamil movies i think .

Ching hoo seems to be the catch here since Alex is also in love with her. Year 2 these days seem to be really drama filled.


Hoot-a-Toot said...

what's with kiddies these days. They want to marry before they are toilet trained. I can't imagine what would happen if my 5 year old meets your 6 year old. They'd elope ;o)

santhoshi said...

lol su very possible

~ lo$t $oul ~ said...

LOL.. i'd love to seeee em do tht... and watch you movies.. fight after tht... typical TAMIL MOVIEEEEEEE ROFL....