Thursday, January 31, 2008

Forwarded Mails Mania!

I think everyone finds this forwarded emails a day to day headache. Click delete click delete. Strangely a handful of colleagues and friends send all this forwarded stuff everyday. The thing I hate in these mails are the ones where they say you will have bad luck for the rest of your life or fall down and break your head and die. If this was not enough I was getting postal mails of send 100 letters you will get good luck or you will have bad luck sort of religious mails too.

The latest nonsense that has caught up with this forward mail mania is photos of other people’s parties. One of my colleagues has this madness where he somehow gets photos of private parties and sends it all around town including moi. I think the last set of photos which he sent me had this heading of some private bank and some wrong info that it was some banks trip. Whereas infact it wasn’t but had some friends I know who had gone on a trip (no I was not in it) and they do not work at that bank. I requested the colleague not to send me these so called forwarded pics of real people. So there is some idiot who goes out with a click of friends then happily sends private pics all round town to be forwarded.

The other day I was talking to my friend about this and she said that someone she new had taped some private moments with his wife on his mobile. His mobile had broken down so he had given it to fix without deleting the video and the phone company guys had taken copies of this saga and sold it as REAL videos.

I guess we have to be more careful with the pictures we take on our mobiles and cameras and make sure that we don’t lose them. But even after that there will be a black sheep who will have the audacity to take pics on the sly and send it around!


Diaspora Voices said...

Ha Ha Ha...


The one's that get me are the religious emails. 'Forward this within the next 15 minutes to 11 people or you will die in four days' kind.

Even if one likes it or not then I am left with going through my address book thinking now which one of my friends will not think I am crazy if I forward this to them.

And the worst I think is people who don't bcc. I use my gmail for all my smut. So all kind of people mail me on this, but what's really bad is now I am on some peoples mailing list without any idea who they are. And I wish they would use the bcc.

Obviously I enjoy my friends smut mails, but total strangers having access to your email is a bit freaky.

As for frisky pix on your mobile or otherwise, nuff said! I won't even go there.

Angel said...

Oh dear... I also had a couple of friends who taped the (ahem) highlights of their honeymoon. Guy stupidly leaves pendrive lying around and some skunk (workmate)gets hold of the clip and sends it around. Imagine the embarrassment of knowing all your workmates have seen that clip! Ppl like that should be shot.

Parthi said...

at a time i used to open every oen of these mails and send them without fail fearing for the badlcuk of course! no a days??? without a second thought i delete them without even bothering to open them.... i also get school parties especially from the international school ones and some private moments form certain schools...pretty pathetic that ppl bother to take pictures of this and pass around....stupid

santhoshi said...

Dhamika- We ll just have to start a mail around that if you dont bcc when sending forwarded mails your mobile/pc will be stolen :)

Angel - oh dear and we thought this kind of situation is only with the villains in the movie involved.

Parthi - Most of the time they got the wrong information on it. In times to come I am sure there will be a law passed about forwarded mails as well :)

£15 - A story said...

Data protection can protect you, unfortunately not from your friends.