Sunday, December 21, 2008

Discovering Yoga!

I have been talking about going to this yoga business for a long time (and blogging about going). At last since it the end of the year and as all women rush to the gym and aerobics thinking that we are going to lost five kgs in 1 week of intense activity, I went. Yes I went for three yoga classes (its once a week) so thats been three weeks of yogaing( I do not belong to the previous category )

What can I say about yoga, I discovered ways my body can bend and cannot bend (while other practicing yogis can). I also discovered that I had all these muscles which have been asleep for a long long time. Re-discovering this can be quite painful the next day. For me doing yoga was not easy and relaxing (except the relaxation bit where we are asked to relax our body and I was fast asleep and needed to be woken up)

Some of the asanas are quite tough I was sweating like hell end of it. Now there is vacation to all aerobics, yoga blah blah because its Christmas and we all need to stuff our face with Christmas pudding. Now I am getting the hang of the asanas and if I practice it the whole of next year it might actually work and I might become like kareena kapoor who does 100 surya namaskars a day (I could barely manage three but never mind).

In summary I think I like yoga since the teacher keeps telling us to have a free mind and I try to bring my mind to concentrate on doing something here than think of the sheep in new Zealand.

1 comment:

Lady divine said...

I used to do yoga when I was studying for A/levels...
I used to pay tennis in school... had this problem where my knee cap would slip and this would make it difficult for me to walk for days.. BUT yoga cured it! I never got it after that...

now my mum's bugging me to do yoga again.. im bored... but being pushed really hard by mum.. so thinking about it...