Friday, November 6, 2009

AM 3

Now i cannot really call tuti a village anymore after discovering that a few bloggers are actually descendants from the city. So taking all that back in respect of them.

B comes out in about ten minutes of chatting. Yes folks thats all we get ten minutes of prime time to chat and make your decision. Actually you are lucky if u get that much cause usually they dont allow this private meetings in traditionaly indian arranged marriages.

After another few minutes of chit chat it was time to leave. So we are leaving i quickly waved to the grandma i really liked her. She seemed to have got fond of me also big smile again.

We get into the car and its just six pm quick decision to visit the world renowned murugan temple. Its a one hour drive so we are all inside the car. There is pin drop silence I am jumping up and down making frantic gestures of shall we ask him. B is safely in front with the driver. If he saw me acting like a lunatic he chose to ignore. Uncle showed the eyes to tell me to keep quite. My mum poked me. So We were quite.

Off we were in the rainy foggy roads on a one hour drive to see the gods. For some reason was having notions of me dying on the crazy road. Yes Lost soul the roads are better but the accidents are famous. While my imagination was going crazy. B turns around

B: When we get to the temple I want a promise from all of you.

Me; Promise? Mum : promise? Uncle : promise? Aunty : (Ennathuuu) Whattt?
(in tamil)
(the family is famous for repetition)

B : When her dad calls tell no, She has a boyfriend but we cant mention it.

Me : Boyfriend? Mum : boyfriend? Uncle : Boyfriend? Aunty : (ennathuuu) Whatt?

Driver : WHATTTT ???

B : driver promise u wont repeat this

Mum had recovered from the shock and bursts out crying. I was upset. Good lord we had come a long way and i was not ready to get back to colombo to give this story. I was upset for B to whom it must have been difficult. I was pissed at the girl for not telling the story earlier.

B : do you all promise

Me : No i break the blooming promise, her dads going to call us and what am i to tell him

B : tell that i dont like her simple dont tell about the love affair.

Now b is a nice guy, We are not that nice my mum was making mouthing gestures we have to tell, I had decided to tell ( yes when it concerns my sibling i can be a cow) Uncle was looking dejected. aunty was looking lost since we have to explain it all over to her again. Driver looked shocked. Wow what a story to spread in the grapevine.

The phone rings, mum takes one look at it and throws it at me. Its HIM. Thats my dad we have to give him the explanation and he bursts out laughing. I get a text from d and dh. Quickly text them its a no go.

Again the phoen rings its him the other him her dad. He goes " I want to come and fix dates since everything ok for us"

Me : We are going to temple and will be back really late so can I call u tomorrow.

He : No I am coming whatever time u are back we have to fix date now.

The man sounds mildly threatening...

Me : No we will call u afer we finish our prayers which might be very late like ten thirty so i shall call you tomorrow..

I hang up. now there is a debate going on about we should tell him the truth to B being adamant that we make a promise when we go to temple to him.

I get off near the temple and say i make a promise i wont promise u anything. I dont give a damn about a stranger that we met only for ten minutes. I realised why i was more angry. It was disrespectful to get down three elders who were her parents age to come from far away if she had someone else in her mind. Whatever her situation was for me at that point it was selfishly obvious whose side I was on.


Serendib_Isle said...

Oh, oh... :0

santhoshi said...

:( oh well these things happen i guess

Anonymous said...

This seems to be a trend! One often hears abt such incidents nowadays unfortunately!But, have hope,I'm sure there is someone out there but he just hasn't found her yet! Good luck!


santhoshi said...

Indy- Wierd thing was i told him a story similar to this which happened to another cousin. Not a second did i think this was going to repeat same evening. Oh well maybe its all for someone better to come along. I am believing in it.. Thanks for your wishes:)

ViceUnVersa said...

Saved by the bride to be, eh? I laughed so much!

santhoshi said...

I should have called this post that "saved by the bride"

Angel said...

I am glad she was forward enough to tell even after you came... imagine the heartbreak to both her and your brother had she kept it secret and gone along with the marriage?

Gadgetgirl said...

Drama-rama! Haiyooor. The usual overreaction takes place. -_-

santhoshi said...

angel - Thats what i keep telling B thank god so far the girls he has been seeing have been truthful. Cause there was the other one who wanted him to sponsor her whole family even before getting wedded!

Ls - everyfamily will have an aunt who keeps asking ennathuuu. My family loves repeating things. Everything has to be explained over and over and ....

GG- its a tamil tv serial gone wrong... Told mum not to watch suntv

Gadgetgirl said...

Seriously every frigging tamil drama.

Hoot-a-Toot said...

Oh my...reading that was like being on a roller coaster ride...OK I take my "you go gal" back from the bride!!!!!

santhoshi said...

sue u are so funny i was reading all your comments from the last one to the first!