Monday, May 26, 2008

Kids Exams

The kid’s exams are on in a couple of weeks. Gone are the days that the kids don’t do anything but just flip through the books and go off to school (which is what I did). Little D has been driving up the wall saying we have to study mummy and you do it with me. So all evenings are spent revising stuff and she is more organized than I am and has started really early. She has this obsessive competitive streak that I am worried about but have been trying to tell her if you don’t get a prize it doesn’t matter but no she does not even want to hear that.

Drop the kids at school and wander around thinking whether I should buy something from the canteen or not, get hit by the mummy group. After all the hi’s they quickly jump off to exams. One was kind enough to ask if I am taking a month off to teach the kid for the exam, I was like No I don’t get that kind of leave off. Then she asks if I am taking two weeks off, hello I can’t take two days off because of a eight year old kids exams. Gives me a weird look and then they say how they have not done enough revision (alert alert they have been revising for three months). There is this other category of moms who keep running everyday to meet the teacher, corner her and try and get the blooming questions out of the teachers mouth. There is this bitching behind the back about this one goes and meets the teacher blah blah while they are all doing that anyways. One mum said she has gained weight because she has been comfort eating for the exams. Wait what will all these characters do when its time for o’levels I cringe when I wonder about that.

For a mad moment(which are far by many these days) I wonder if I am the one whose not panicking so much about D’s Exams and going a bit nuts. I mean yes you want your kids to do well but does it rotate so much that you get stressed and talk about it all the time. Since my mom goes to pick the kids this bug has caught her she keeps calling me many times and driving me nuts that I am not taking it seriously enough…. The joys of parenthood …… so thrilling……

By the way I found out while studying that there is a mountain called mount sugarloaf in Brazil, didn’t know that information in so many years.


Anonymous said...

I'm the last person you should take advice from, but I'll give it anyways. I'd say that your kids are on track, and the fact their willingly studying is brilliant, rather than you forcing them to study. After all their kids, and wont be for ever, so let them enjoy them selves without too much of strain. Striking the balance is the importance. :)

Spider said...

hehe.. it's good you're letting your kids study as much as they want! at 8 years old i don't think they need to be pushed as if their whole life depended on it! seeing it from your point of view, i can imagine what my mother went through when i wanted her to stay up with me when i studied for exams too! :)

Jerry said...

If the kid isn't failing, don't push. And since she actually WANTS to study at that age, due to some unfathomable reason, she should be considered a genius! :)

My cousin's mom is exactly like that! I rib her about showing up in school so much.

I was just flipping through the books right up to O/L's...

Lady divine said...

I think it's good for the kids to be that way... only make sure they don't do anything unfair.. that way, they strive and work hard to get the best..which is great!!:)

All the best to you and the kids..:D
With a great mum like you, I'm sure the kids will be just fine.. Don't worry too much...:)

Bimmy said...

Yeah, you get parents like that. The last time I went to my daughter’s parents-teacher meeting, her teacher announced that we can now sign up our kids into the learn-to-swim program in school. But immediately after that she said,.. “Unfortunately there is only one slot available on Thursdays from 3.30 to 4.30pm as every other slot is taken”. My question was, “How come?”

Later on I realized that there are a large number of parents who do hang around the school and spend a lot of time looking into such things. The funny thing is, while some schools do discourage this behavior, some teachers seem to welcome the attention.

It is wonderful that your 8 year old is keen on studies. My opinion is similar to that of several of your readers; you should give all the encouragement but at the same time don’t push too hard (unless she is falling behind).

santhoshi said...

Chaarmax- I look forward to your advices.

spider- lucky you. my mom was clueless what i was doing in school but seems to know what the grandchild is upto

jerry- these days the mums have to try and show up at school as much as possible

Ld- thanks :)

Bimal- tried to get an appointment to meet some teachers for parents day can u believe all the mummy gang has beaten me to it and all slots are full. I have to make special request to see the teachers

Bimmy said...