Saturday, April 26, 2008


I think I am one of the last in the civilization of internet users to join Facebook. I don’t know why I never bothered to for the long time that FB has been existent. One fine day just joined to see what my class mates look like. I know the usual reason should be to keep in touch with friends but I am bit weird like that curiosity of seeing people from school and college made me join FB.

Really no point in me praising the wonders of it. Since all who use it know, I have got in touch with some friends who I have not heard in years from. I could go and on but better stop about that now. Now that I have become a regular user I get all kinds of invitations from unknown guys. This must be the usual scene if you are single (which I am not). Sometimes for a mad moment I wonder if I know these people and can’t remember of what so I proceed to check their profile out. Surprisingly the profile of these men is full of women. This has happened like three times now. These guys must be really filling their facebook with girls who they don’t know or randomly clicking girl sounding names or something. Giving the benefit of the doubt maybe these guys are really nice people and want to strike up a friendship ( don’t think so!)


Lady divine said...

FB sure is great.. but sometimes it can be a pain too...
I always ignore the friend requests I get from unknown ppl.... and well, it's cool to keep in touch with friends.. and before i even knew it.. my friends list is over 200!!

santhoshi said...

Another thing is i guess we got to make time to keep in touch through FB.. how do u manage all your 200 friends?

Lady divine said...

I did manage at one point.. but then gave up and only do something when I've got time on my hands..:)
I know ppl who's totally addicted to it.... I just dont wanna be like that..:D

you know my name you can add me..:D