Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Secret Seven

Spider has tagged me have to thank her for distracting my mind from work since this should be attended to immediately. I am not going to tag anyone in the end of this since everyone has been tagged already so no rule explanation here…

Seven random /weird things about me…..
1 Totally superstitious, which leads to being petrified of black cats. Separate post should be coming up on this one.
2 I love to race other cars on the road and taunt the drivers.
3 Can be prone to mood swings
4 love books the favorite time spent is with books
5 since the age of ten have this vision of a knight in shining armour who is going to save me in troubled times (weird I know, but still believe in it and am definitely sure its hrithik after watching jodha akbar)
6 My intuitions are almost always right so have friends who keep asking me do I have any thoughts or intuitions about them (should charge a penny for each of that one soon)
7Love to sing…… ( glasses have not shattered yet nor donkey brayed at doorstep)


Lady divine said...

hmm... with reference to number 7, would a penny be enough..? :P

santhoshi said...

LD: nice to see u back on blogsphere. nope for u it will be free :P

Lady divine said...

yaay!! thankies...
and i see u like racing cars... oh we should do it together some time.. it'll be fun..:D

and it sure is great to be back...thanks!!:D