Thursday, June 12, 2008

Superstitious Days, Bad omens and other stuff.

I follow a lot of silly superstitions like a prayer. It’s been unnerving but if a black cat crosses my path I freak out totally and try to reverse back or turn back. Logically I know the cat had to pass by my way to get to the other side and does not give a damn whether I move front or back. Ever since the day a black cat crossed my path and I just ignored it and found the baby getting dengue that evening (both were obviously not interconnected), I am petrified of black cats.

Here is a list of superstious crap that I am scared of
I don’t do any new deals on a Tuesday
Wont walk under a ladder
Get very upset if the mirror breaks
Wont open an umbrella inside the house
Will not visit a new place on a Tuesday
My old aunt said that seeing a dead body while u are going somewhere is good luck (Yes she was a bit gory in the head). I saw five dead bodies passing my way left right and centre near borella cemetery the day my mom announced my arranged marriage to me.

Loads of silly little things that I consider bad omen and good omen. Logically its all nonsense of course.

Now for the good stuff. I have laughing Buddha’s all over the place and rub their belly for good luck before a meeting. I try a bit of feng shui here and there and place flowers and candles here and there but since I am clueless about the directions am sure have got it all in the wrong places. Tried hanging some wind chimes in the balcony but found them disturbing the silence I love so much took it down immediately. Very specific about who I see first in the morning so will open my eyes and look into my hands (apparently the gods are living there).

I think I have left out quite a bit of other things and that sums it up I am really weird…


Anonymous said...

Wow.. and I thought my mum was bad. :p

Well atleast they are the principals you follow. So as long as it keeps your mind at peace. I have no bone.

Just in case you step in to SSC (although I very much doubt it) they a few black cats running around. :)

Lady divine said...

hmmmm..... a self revelation I see...

it's alright to believe these.. but don't get too engrossed in them...

My mum believes a few too.. there's nothing weird about it... I find it sweet...:)

But then, I dont know much about Feng shui and all.... I think a little of everything is too much....

ViceUnVersa said...

Tuesdays are good. Goddess (Devi) Durga day and auspicious day. Visit to the Kovil early morning and at end of day highly recommended.
And Friday's are the best day to close a deal.