Saturday, July 26, 2008

Master Po!

I am not going to write a review about the movie. But shortly, it was so funny and hilarious. The kids were clueless especially the four to six year olds, they did not understand any of the jokes but laughed a bit here and there. Fun was had by all.

I had the honor of taking two teenagers with me to watch the movie. While I was laughing so much I could not help but notice that they kept rolling their eyes whenever I laughed and looking at each other and gesturing. Probably confirming the fact that I was slightly cuckoo.

Interval time after offering chips, coke whatever and hearing with absolute horror “NO” they had a chat with me.

Teenager 1 : you seem to really enjoy the movie

Me : Yes I think it’s funny

Teenager 2 : well it’s not our kind of thing, like u know not our cup of tea

I did not say anything wanted to tell them where to get off. But since I am a very polite and kind yes right (you can be kind to spoilt Fob’s from abroad who want to look at us like we some veddhas). I am not even kidding about these kids.

What is it with kids who go abroad when they are small and come back and act with u like u are some village bumpkin.

After the movie little D came up to me with the face (of absolute sorrow)

Me : Sweetheart are u sad that the turtle died I felt sad too (I did almost cry)

D : mum they were laughing at you and me because we were laughing at the Movie. They roll their eyes and keep showing like we are mad.

Me : (this has to be handled delicately since I did not want to turn her against her cousins, but then I am slightly not mature to handle this by myself either, so I did what I usually do, looked at my friend i/e arch the eyebrow and look for some input)

Friend (steps in gratefully): They are spoilt brats who don’t know to have fun. Ignore them and do not hang out with them

(Right now that this has been handled greatly (not) the kid is confused between being cool with her cousins and accepting the brat bit)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that was sad to read! It's really in such bad taste to behave that way, and hard not tom tell them off too,when they are not your kids at that!tch!I would have been rude to them though! I don't know if you know tamil,but we call it"vayasu kolaru"...or problematic age(I think)!U handled it better than i would have!